Upcoming Events
Oct. 2nd. - Regular Club Meeting, 7:30 PM
Oct. 5th. - Apple Picking, TL Krug
Oct. 14th. - Mel's Cafe, 10:00AM, OYO
Oct. 24th. - Wayside Inn Dinner, 6:00 PM, OYO (reservations required)
Oct. 27th. - Woburn Halloween Parade, 12:00 PM, OYO
Nov. 3rd. Wrights Chicken Farm Tour, 10:00 AM, TL D. OBrien
Nov. 6th. - Regular Club Meeting, 7:30 PM
Nov. 10th. - Frostbite Tour, Old Mill Restaurant, 10:00 AM, TL, Martin
Dec. 1st. - Maynard Christmas Parade, 12:00 PM, OYO
Dec. 8th. - Annual Holiday Party, Info. to follow (reservations required)
Please stay tuned to future updates. We look forward to seeing you again on the road!
TL = Tour Leader * = On your own, go directly to location